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Exercise and sport

against winter fat and for the well-being

Spring is the time when we start wearing lighter clothes again. The winter fat accumulated over the cold season comes ruthlessly to light. The spring dresses from last year are too tight, you don't even want to think about the bikini or the swimming trunks! You want to get rid of the kilos that have accumulated over the winter as quickly as possible. But not everyone is so disciplined or so sporty that you can get rid of the excess pounds in a short time and sustainably. However, you can do a lot without having to torture yourself.

Are you one of those people for whom exercise is more of a pain? "No time" might well be the most common excuse given by exercise bums. But even the most creative excuses don't count. You don't need to do top-class sport, but can exercise quite moderately and regularly. People who exercise regularly are less likely to develop diabetes or high blood pressure.

This is how long you have to walk for a bar of chocolate

Calorie consumption through exercise: The more often we move during the day, the higher our energy consumption. But what does this mean in concrete terms?

Cycling Jogging Climbing stairs Walking
1 bar of chocolate76 min57 min56 min147 min
1 frozen pizza97 min73 min72 min188 min
1 croissant38 min28 min28 min73 min
Salad plate with dressing17 min13 min13 min33 min
1 chicken breast (150 g)23 min17 min17 min44 min
1 apple11 min9 min8 min22 min
1 glass of red wine (0,2 l)19 min14 min14 min37 min

The advantages of a fitness center

It's not for everyone to visit a gym on a regular basis. But a gym has a few big advantages. And once you get used to working out regularly, it's even fun and becomes a routine like brushing your teeth. If you do it in pairs, there's a better chance that you'll keep up the workouts consistently. The big advantage of going to a fitness center is that you can work out there under expert guidance. And the training is holistic. This means that all muscle areas are taken into account and, above all, individual weak points are incorporated into the training plan with special attention. The trained coaches help to adjust the training plans again and again. Many health insurance companies pay a contribution towards a subscription to a Qualitop-certified fitness centre. On the other hand, if you only jog, you are doing a one-sided workout. A fitness centre also offers group courses. There you are not alone and it is easier to train in a group. The motivation to go there is much higher.